Training Evaluation

Below is a summary of our approach to training evaluation. You will also find useful tools, example evaluations and step-by-step tutorials on the TrainingCheck website - click to sign up to our free BASIC plan.

The TrainingCheck Approach to Training Evaluation

The TrainingCheck training evaluation system was created out of a large-scale project involving a range of employers and training providers.

Extensive research and consultations were carried out to define training evaluation methods which could both produce powerful results and, crucially, would be practical for organisations to implement. The evaluation model which emerged out of this research was then developed into an online tool, and this was then tested and trialled across a wide variety of organisations and sectors.

Read more about the TrainingCheck approach to training evaluation...


Kirkpatrick Four Levels and ROE

The Return On Expectations model model of training evaluation evolved out of Donald Kirkpatrick’s famous ‘Four Level' model. This model was originally developed in the 1950s and was for many years regarded as the industry standard in evaluation across the training and Human Resources communities.

The four levels referred to in the model are:
Level 1: Participant Reaction
Level 2: Learning
Level 3: Job Impact
Level 4: Business Impact

Read more about the ROE Model of Training Evaluation...


The Kirkpatrick Four Levels and ROE within TrainingCheck 

TrainingCheck provides integrated support for both the original Kirkpatrick Four Level model and the ROE model by providing:

• Detailed guidance on planning, creating, carrying out and reporting on training evaluations in line with the Four Level and ROE models
• Web-based, automated processes for designing, carrying out, analysing and reporting on evaluations at each of the Kirkpatrick levels
• A comprehensive Question Library subdivided into the Kirkpatrick levels (for ease of use we call these ‘topic areas’ within the Library)
• Ready-made, customisable example training evaluations at each of the Kirkpatrick levels – ie Participant Reaction, Learning, Job Impact (both participant and manager views), and Business Impact.

Read more about how the ROE model has been incorporated within TrainingCheck...